What's it like to be a strange person living in a very boring world? It can be lonely and frustrating. Someone whom society considers to be a weirdo is oftentimes shunned and neglected. People tend to gravitate towards others who are similar to themselves. which in turn gives them a faux sense of worth. While this is completely understandable, it's not much consolation when you're the one who is being left out.
I live in a small, rural town. Not much happens here. Needless to say, I don't often meet others with interests similar to mine and on those rare occasions when I come across a kindred sole, it's a treat which I savor. Most of the time, I must keep my predilections to myself. It can be uncomfortable when your co-workers are going on and on about having their hair and nails done and you just want to tell someone about your most recent animal skull acquisition. On those rare occasions when you do throw caution to the wind and mention some incredible find you are met with a blank stare, uncomfortable silence, and quiet judgment.
People assume that if you like odd, dark, and offbeat items you must be a devil worshiper or something to that effect. I love my strange collections and thoroughly enjoy owning them. I am also a Christian and nothing will ever change that. A few years back, a co-worker was telling me about a neighbor she used to have. Apparently, the woman was very nice, but had "strange" items in her home. My co-worker announced that "she must have been a witch!" It crossed my mind that if this particular co-worker came to my home she wouldn't even try to understand who I was.
If you are that odd soul please know that you are special, you are unique, and you are courageous as not many people have the courage to be the person they were meant to be. Let the unkind words of others roll of your back and know that you are going to change the world in your own unique fashion and in turn the world will be better off because of it.
Also know you've got a friend sitting in a small town in rural Nebraska.....
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